Our universe with it’s unfathomable tons of variably constructed matter that coalesces into celestial objects, is the definition of supreme beauty. When zooming out to a bird’s eye view it looks like an endless ocean of colorful webbing and foam almost like a giant cross section of ocean jasper crystal with little crevasses resembling sparking embedded geodes of druzy. The center of this 3D frenzy is hazy and undeterminable because the Photons, caught in the searing heat of the birth of our universe, waver and ricochet unpredictably off of eachother. The tapestry of galaxies spinning away from the ultra hot center blast away like grains of diatomaceous earth under a microscope.
All of this chaos and movement like an explosion of molten lava from a volcano suspended in time by a photograph seems to hang in perfect balance with all of the decorations of galaxies floating nearby. Zooming our magic microscope in on the Milky Way shows our galactic home spinning like a top that’s been revved up and let loose across a child’s living room hardwood floor. Looking closer the Milky Way all of a sudden seems so alone and isolated in the uninverse when considering the nearest celestial object, The Andromeda Galaxy, is 765 Kiloparsecs (or 2,495,096 light years) away from us.
Have you ever stopped and wondered about the photons that bounced off some distant moon in the Andromeda Galaxy 2.5 million years ago and are just now hitting your retina through a telescope? Have you thought if those photons had memory, the incredible views of black holes, dark moons, ice balls, electric comets and planets that it whizzed by on the way to the MIlky Way in all it’s dairy glory?
I learned a few years back that our solar system, which is roughly located about half way from the center of our galaxy to our galactic rim, actually bobs up and down as it traverses it’s elliptical around the black hole that tethers all of the planets, stars, moons and sparkling celestial objects together in a harmonious swirl of madness that is the Milky Way. The sun, of course, has us locked in it’s grip both sheltering us from space debris and drifting hopelessly as we blindly trust that it will keep guiding us around and around the black hole, bobbing, like a merry-go-round with many contraptions all spinning in their own orbits around the poles that anchor us together like gravity.
Our lucky horse also likes to spin and from our spin we create day and night; reliable, trusty, impeding and useful for so many activities that our desires and karma conjure up for us. Without that spin, our world as we know it would not exist. In fact, without any of these happen-stance-equilibriums from the expansion of our universe, to the relationships of our galaxy, to the playful helix dance our sun eternally performs with the closest star to our solar system, to the spin on the earth, and to the moon’s distance to us; our world as we know it would not exist. Everything has turned out so perfectly balanced just to bring you to this exact moment where you are reading these words. I thank my lucky stars… that matter and light that took billions of years to settle down are now rested into equilibrium like the sigh of relaxation after a long day in the summer sun.
My plan for this blog is not only to celebrate the things that universe has inspired me to create but also share things that I’ve learned along my short life riding this merry-go-round. I hope that if anything, you are inspired or at least entertained by my musings. As one of my favorite teachers says, “on a good day, my class will illuminate the value of nothing” and that’s something we should all strive to appreciate.
Lastly, I want to say that the main inspiration for this website is to provide an alternative to social media. I have a love/hate relationship with social media and I’m finding more and more the desire to be in full control of my own content; What better way to achieve this than to create my own space for my talents and thoughts. I often dream of having a community based presence to surround our collective creativity and I think this might be a seed for that vision.
I hope you’ll join me!!